Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow way I'm walking in that...

For three days now, the weather service has issued huge, red warnings SEVERE WEATHER ALERT. We were warned to avoid driving and beware of ice and snow We proceeded to get blistering snow, wind, and ice. We had school. There's a lesson to be learned here, but I can't quite place it... Thanks school!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Opening Statements

This is the first post of my blog. If you are one of my friends, classmates, and/or my professor, thank you for taking the time to read this! If not, well, I still thank you, but in a more hesitant, cautious kind of way. The kind of way you thank a strange man who has just told you that you have a nice smell. Its obviously a compliment, and you're not going to complain, but how did you find me? Why are you close enough to smell? Must I now comment on your smell in turn? I mean, I encourage you to keep thinking those nice thoughts about me. If I can make your life that much nicer, then all the best. But unless you're a close friend, smell in solitude. That being said, blogs are not smells, and comments are welcome. In blog-post form is best. Shouting from one's rooftop is fun, but I probably won't hear it, and people who do probably won't know what you're talking about. Slipping a letter written in cut-out magazine letters under my door will get my attention, but will also most likely result in me purchasing a firearm. A basket with a note and hamster in it is 100% acceptable. Anyway, most posts won't be this long, and I probably tried a bit too hard this time, but welcome, and I hope you enjoy the future!

Oh, and you smell like honeydew.