Monday, February 2, 2009

Excuses excuses...

I am back again, and I thank you, my loyal pair of subscribers, for being so patient with me. Hopefully this absence has not reduced my viewership, since a 50% drop would leave me with mere company and not the proverbial crowd. I would have written sooner, but a dog ate my homework, which happened to be my computer, cutting off all internet access, prompting me to have to go to the repair store, where i got caught in traffic, which was caused by extreme snow, which made me sick, which spread to my roommate who I had to take care of. You can ask my doctor, honest! Unfortunately, he only deals with people with limited types of insurance, and it's hard enough getting in touch with him seeing as how he lives in Bangladesh due to outsourcing. Of course, the honor system being what it is, I have no doubt that you have not only already forgiven me, but have sent money as well to contribute to the lavish costs of all these problems, especially since my doctor's cousin is a wealthy Nigerian businessman who happens to be in dire straits and could use your help. With prompt updates in the future, I bid you all good night!

P.S. I'm all better now, thanks for asking. My roommate is at rest... peacefully.

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